In The Legend of St. Nicholas, the new artwork, created by Marley and Me illustrator, Richard Cowdrey, captivates audiences and tells the story of a young man named Nicholas, who was moved by the plight of the poor and needy. Nicholas spent his life secretly helping the poor all over the world, giving gifts on Christmas Eve to remind people of the greatest Gift of all, Jesus Christ. This gentle Christmas book introduces the original St. Nicholas and offers inspiration for readers to become cheerful givers themselves. The final pages in the book include fun Father Christmas traditions in other lands.
About the Author:
Dandi Daley Mackall is the author of over 400 books and still can’t believe she gets to write for a living, helping children of all ages grow spiritually. She and her husband, Joe, both write from rural Ohio, where they’re blessed with three children and a variety of horses, dogs, and cats.
About the Illustrator:
Richard Cowdrey’s favorite things to draw and paint are the things that reflect the awesomeness of God and His creation. From vast landscapes to the littlest bug on a leaf, Richard marvels at the beauty in the details. Richard's bestselling children's books include Bad Dog, Marley and A Very Marley Christmas.
My Review:
4 Stars
From page one it is not hard to see that this is a beautifully illustrated book that children and adults will enjoy. This book is a great way to tell the story behind Santa to our children in a way that is easy for the to understand and enjoyable to. I would recommend this book for kids 4 and up. It is long with a lot of words on each page so the younger crowd may not sit still well that long or truly understand it. This book teaches a lesson on generosity and gift giving that is outwardly focused, something all of us at times need to learn or be reminded off. The book is not perfect but a great choice for the holiday season. I look forward to sharing it with my daughter as she get older.
* I received this book from BookLook Bloggers for the purpose of this review. Thank You.